Local March 4, 2024 | 9:11 am

Abinader needs to unveil 30 projects this month to adhere to electoral regulations

Santo Domingo.- On March 20, the legal impediment begins for President Luis Abinader to lead inaugural events. This means that in less than three weeks, he will have to celebrate at least 30 of these ceremonies corresponding to the infrastructures announced in his last accountability report.

The government would need to unveil an average of almost two projects daily starting this week to achieve this goal within the established timeframe and avoid violating the provisions of Article 210, Paragraph VI of Law 20-23, the Organic Electoral Regime Law.

The upcoming inaugurations announced by the president that would fall within this period include: three sections of the border perimeter fence; the cable car and monorail of Santiago; eight sites of the Institute of Technical Vocational Training (Infotep); and seven pharmacies.

For the coming weeks, a campus of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD); three extensions of the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA); two school renovations by the Directorate General of Fine Arts; three aqueducts; and the sanitation of a ravine were promised.

In his fourth accountability report, the Head of State stated that at least five national security and mass transportation projects would be inaugurated by the end of March.

The first three of these structures correspond to sections of the Smart Perimeter Fence located at the Dominican-Haitian border.

“One of the most important projects that will forever change the Dominican Republic is the border fence with Haiti. The 4 phases are practically finished. We delivered the Elías Piña area, and the remaining areas in Dajabón, Jimaní, and Pedernales will be delivered in the coming weeks with a public investment of over 1.7 billion pesos,” he expressed.

The transportation projects to be inaugurated, according to the presidential address, are the Cable Car and the monorail of Santiago.

“This Government has also made a huge effort in expanding our mass transportation network, with significant projects such as the Santiago Cable Car, which will be inaugurated on March 17, and the monorail, with its first trial in April to start operating in its first phase by the end of this year and its second phase by the end of 2025.”

As per Law 20-23, the monorail couldn’t be inaugurated in April by government authorities or the municipality, as the limit for inaugural events is 60 days before the May 19 elections.


This month, Luis Abinader would put into operation around 15 educational institutions, including new campuses and renovated structures.

“Additionally, eight new centers located in Barahona, Sabana de la Mar, San Pedro de Macorís, Haina, Nizao, and Villa Mella are under construction and will be inaugurated in the coming months of March and April,” stated the president, referring to the progress of Infotep.

Regarding ITLA facilities, the President stated: “In a few days, on March 6, the Monte Plata Extension will be inaugurated, on March 8 the Moca campus, and on March 15 Pedernales (of ITLA).”

Last Tuesday, the President highlighted the achievements of his administration, stating: “Next March, we will inaugurate the UASD center in Azua and finish the one in Neyba by June.” In this case, the second campus would be delivered after the elections.

Aqueduct and Sanitation

In his institutional report, the head of the State announced the launch of three aqueducts distributed between the East and Santo Domingo, as well as 11 kilometers of canal.

The President made the following statements regarding these issues in different parts of his speech: “Another aqueduct nearing completion is the one for the municipality of San Antonio de Guerra, and the La Cuaba Aqueduct is in the bidding portal, which will significantly increase potable water production.”

“Another example of our unwavering commitment to providing potable water and sanitation to all Dominicans was the completion of the new Pedernales aqueduct and the tourist area of Cabo Rojo, as well as the new Miches aqueduct and the tourist area, which is in the trial phase and will be inaugurated in the coming days.”

“The intervention of 42 kilometers of canals has been a work of great impact. To date, 14.5 kilometers have been delivered, 11 kilometers will be delivered in the coming days, and 17 kilometers before the end of the four-year term, with ongoing work.”

In the health sector, Abinader promised that seven pharmacies would be delivered. “But those record numbers don’t stop there; regarding PROMESE/CAL, 16.5 billion pesos has been invested in this administration, and 93 new pharmacies have been launched, with a current network of 636, as well as 7 that will be inaugurated in the coming days, reaching a total of 100 new ones under this management,” he stated.

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