Local March 16, 2024 | 9:00 am

According to Pro Consumidor, economic policies stabilize food

Santo Domingo – The director of the National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (ProConsumidor), Eddy Alcántara, insisted yesterday that the Dominican Republic continues to be one of the countries in the region least affected by the inflationary process being experienced worldwide due to the decisions taken by the authorities regarding basic food products.

He said that an adequate economic policy has been applied so that the country maintains food products at more affordable prices than in other countries of the region.

In commemorating World Consumer Day, Alcántara indicated that in addition to inflation, other countries have faced problems of shortages, which has not happened in the DR.

When asked about the role of ProConsumidor, the official recalled that the institution did not set prices in the market and indicated that a reform to Law 358-05 could be made in the future.

“In the future a reform will have to be addressed to give greater facilities to the Executive Directorate of ProConsumer to socialize, not to persecute,” he explained.

He added that the institution should be seen not as a persecuting entity but as a socializer or conciliator so that all issues related to consumer law are resolved without having to issue a resolution.

He advocated the application of fair, reliable, and truthful commercial practices and promoted cooperation with the authorities to act more effectively.

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