Local April 16, 2024 | 8:15 am

Implementing the Territorial Planning Law through collaborative action

Santo Domingo.- The Intergovernmental Coordination Table for the Implementation of Law 368-22 on Territorial Planning, Land Use, and Human Settlements, enacted in 2022, comprises the Dominican Federation of Municipalities (Fedomu) and nine other governmental bodies.

Led by Kelvin Cruz, president of Fedomu and mayor of La Vega, along with Pavel Isa, the Minister of Economy, Planning, and Development (MEPyD), a meeting was convened within the Dominican Federation of Municipalities’ board of directors yesterday. The session introduced the participating institutions of the table.

Proposed jointly by Fedomu and MEPyD, the Intergovernmental Coordination Table serves as a platform for dialogue and coordination among various central government entities and local administrations for the effective enforcement of the aforementioned law.

The ten institutions forming the implementation team include the Ministries of Economy, Tourism, Agriculture, Industry, Commerce and MSMEs, and Energy and Mines, each represented by their respective heads: Pavel Isa, David Collado, Limber Cruz, Víctor-Ito-Bisonó, and Antonio Almonte. Additionally, represented are the Ministries of Public Works, Environment, and Housing and Buildings, represented by Carmen Guzmán, José Antonio Elías González, and Ernesto Mazara, respectively, alongside Fedomu and the Municipal League.

Rationale Behind the Initiative

The establishment of the coordination table stems from the observed gaps in guiding public policies related to territorial planning. Challenges such as urban sprawl in provincial capitals, land use conflicts, increased vulnerability to natural disasters, encroachment on agricultural land, municipal conurbation, and ensuring quality public service coverage have necessitated this initiative.

Among its objectives, the proponents aim to foster cooperation, coordination, and joint decision-making among sectoral stakeholders and local governments for effective territorial planning and development. Additionally, the initiative seeks to empower city councils in land use management and facilitate smooth coordination between different management levels and institutions for the successful implementation of planning policies at the municipal level.

Statements from Fedomu and Economy Ministry

Kelvin Cruz expressed the significance of this milestone, highlighting its role in shifting towards a more efficient, coordinated model of development, breaking away from a centralized approach. Meanwhile, Minister Pavel Isa emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between the government, municipalities, private sector, and civil society to expedite the implementation of territorial planning legislation.

Understanding Law 368-22

Law 368-22 on Territorial Planning delineates the parameters for creating territorial planning plans in each municipality of the Dominican Republic, aiming to regulate construction permits in urban areas and manage non-developable areas, such as those designated for essential facilities like hospitals or schools.

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