Local May 12, 2024 | 10:46 am

More support for the Pact for the Protection of Animals

Pilar Amelia y Ana Victoria Franjul Crespo, nietas del director de LISTÍN DIARIO, Miguel Franjul, firman el Pacto por los Animales.JORGE CRUZ/LD

Santo Domingo – The Pact for the Protection of Animals continued to attract more support from various sectors that valued the initiative of LISTÍN DIARIO and the Dominican Federation for Animal Rights (FEDDA).

The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, expressed his commitment to this newspaper’s and FEDDA’s initiative, highlighting the importance of protecting all human and animal life forms.

El ministro de la Presidencia, Joel Santos, abogó por la protección de todas las formas de vida.

Joel Santos, the Minister of the Presidency, advocated protecting all life forms. Listin Diario/

Regarding the recent rains, he cited the need for efforts to rescue animals trapped or in danger due to the floods and the need to cover veterinary expenses.

Advocates for respect

Also supporting the pact was the presidential candidate of the Democratic Hope Party (PED), Roque Espaillat, known by the nickname “El Cobrador.” He expressed that he signed not as an act of courtesy within the campaign but because of his commitment to respect, preserve, and care for all forms of life.

El candidato presidencial, Roque Espaillat, saluda al director del LISTÍN DIARIO, Miguel Franjul, previo a la firma del pacto.

The presidential candidate, Roque Espaillat, greets the director of LISTÍN DIARIO, Miguel Franjul, before the pact’s signing.

“In the animal kingdom, we humans are one more species of that kingdom, and we must respect all the other species with which we share the condition of being part of this kingdom,” Espaillat added.

Working on the project

Lawyer José Rafael Ariza said he is clear that the fight against animal abuse is a commitment that must be assumed after favoring the modification of Law 248-12 on Animal Protection and Responsible Possession.

“We are working on what would be a modification project, to what is coming to toughen the law, and not only toughen it, but expand it so that the law covers issues that are not contemplated in the law, and already other countries and modern legislations have it,” he added.

She also stressed that it is necessary to create a culture of love and respect for animals, and as a sign of this, she went to Listin Diario with her pet to sign the pact.

La embajadora de Alemania en República Dominicana, Maike Friedrichsen, también se sumó al compromiso.

The German Ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Maike Friedrichsen, also joined the commitment: “I am very proud to sign this pact for the defense of animals. I am very happy to see the progress that is being made in our country in the responsible care of animals.”

Mario Rodríguez Lama, son of the director of the National Health Service (SNS), Mario Lama, said that he was motivated to come to the call of Listin Diario by his commitment and love for animals. “Animals take care of us, they brighten our lives, and it has been proven that everyone who lives with an animal lives longer, which means that the only thing they do is to produce well-being for us,” said Rodríguez Lama.

Other signatories

The mayor of Santo Domingo Norte, Betty Gerónimo, signed the document, accompanied by “Norte,” the municipality’s new mascot, which will be integrated into the Municipal Police and will provide support from this council.

Likewise, Miguel Arturo, Pilar, and Ana Franjul signed the pact on behalf of the children, accompanied by their parents, Miguel Antonio Franjul and Nelsie Crespo de Franjul.

Likewise, in the editorial office of LISTÍN DIARIO, together with the director Miguel Franjul and the president of FEDDA, Lorenny Solano, the president of the Dominican College of Veterinary Doctors (COLVET), Huáscar Ariza, and the president of the Tourism Cluster of Boca Chica, Manuel Coppi, signed the pact.

Broad support

The President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, political leaders, candidates for office for the next elections, and representatives of other social sectors have signed the “Pact for the Protection of Animals” promoted by LISTÍN DIARIO and FEDDA.

Since last Monday, public officials, presidential candidates, senatorial aspirants, and current mayors, who have welcomed the call to sign the Pact for Animal Rights, and without political distinction, have spoken in favor of the initiative.

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