Local May 13, 2024 | 9:29 am

Aqueduct operations unaffected by recent rainfall

Santo Domingo.- Felipe Suberví, the general director of the Santo Domingo Aqueduct and Sewer Corporation (CAASD), has provided an update stating that the majority of aqueducts are functioning normally, despite recent rainfall across much of the country.

Suberví noted that the CAASD’s production of drinking water remains steady at 424 million gallons per day. He explained that while the recent rains have led to surface turbidity, the direct intake systems have not suffered significant damage. However, as a preventive measure, operations at the Duey and Isa-Mana systems had to be temporarily limited due to high levels of turbidity in the water.

“The Isa Mana and Duey systems experienced instability due to increased turbidity levels. However, both are now operating normally, along with Valdesia, Salinity Barrier, La Isabela, Haina, and others,” Suberví explained.

He also mentioned that the La Joya and Los Marenos well fields, as well as sector wells, are functioning as usual. Suberví emphasized that he and his team at the CAASD are maintaining constant monitoring and executing preventive actions to ensure efficient management of drinking water supply to the population, especially during and after weather events that may pose risks to the country.

Regarding dam conditions, Suberví reported that the Valdesia dam is currently at a level of 146.54 meters above sea level, slightly below its maximum level of 150 meters. The Jigüey dam stands at 538.18 meters, slightly above its maximum level of 141.50 meters, reflecting a minor increase due to recent rains in the Nizao River basins.

He also mentioned that the Project Execution Unit of the CAASD continues to supervise ravines, especially those undergoing sanitation interventions. Suberví reiterated the importance of residents living near rivers, streams, and ravines to remain vigilant and follow official bulletins from relief agencies.

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