Local May 21, 2024 | 8:37 am

President Abinader’s European diplomatic tour

Santo Domingo.- The newly elected President of the Republic, Luis Abinader Corona, announced on Monday his upcoming trip to Italy, the Vatican, and Portugal.

During his regular meeting with the press, known as LA Semanal con la Prensa, the president revealed his itinerary, stating that he plans to meet with Pope Francis during his stay in Rome, along with holding bilateral discussions.

This announcement was made during his customary meeting with the press, held in the Las Cariátides room of the National Palace.

Detailing his agenda in Europe, the head of state disclosed that he will depart the country next Friday, the 24th of May, for Rome, Italy.

Regarding his visit to Italy, he mentioned that on May 27th, he will have a meeting with the Italian President, Sergio Mattarella.

He emphasized that on the same day, he, along with his wife and daughters, will meet with Pope Francis. Additionally, he will engage in bilateral discussions with Vatican authorities.

Subsequently, on May 28th, he will travel to the Portuguese Republic, where he will meet with the President of the nation, Marcel Rebelo de Sousa.

President Abinader stated that during his meeting with Rebelo de Sousa, they will discuss joint projects in various areas including beach tourism, real estate tourism, retirement tourism, as well as different artificial intelligence and information programs.

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