Local May 25, 2024 | 9:42 am

Vaguada to bring moderate rainfall all weekend

Santo Domingo – The influence of the trough over the country will continue to cause weak to moderate rains and thundershowers throughout the weekend, towards the northwest, north, northeast, Central Cordillera and the border area.

The National Meteorological Office (Onamet) also predicted that rainfall will be more frequent and intense in the afternoon and early evening.

21 provinces remain on alert
The Emergency Operations Center (COE) maintains 21 provinces on green alert, due to possible flooding of rivers, streams and creeks, as well as landslides and flash floods.

The provinces on alert are Dajabón, Duarte, La Romana, La Altagracia, Valverde, Santiago, El Seibo, Hato Mayor, Puerto Plata, Monseñor Nouel, San Pedro de Macorís, Samaná, Sánchez Ramírez, Montecristi, San José de Ocoa, Azua, Monte Plata, La Vega, Santiago Rodríguez, Santo Domingo and the National District.

Flooding in Santiago
In Santiago there were heavy and prolonged rains which caused flooding in the main avenues and roads of the main municipality, as well as in Villa González, Navarrete, Licey, Tamboril, Puñal, Sabana Iglesia, San José de las Matas, Jánico and Baitoa with all their districts.

The downpours flooded the sectors Hoya del Caimito, Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, Los Reyes, La Gloria, La Cacata, Duarte de Cienfuegos neighborhood, El Hoyo de Elías en Pastor, Bella Vista and Los Salados los Jardines.


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