Local June 3, 2024 | 11:44 am

Proposal for mandatory voting

Santo Domingo.- The National Congress is currently reviewing a new bill proposing mandatory voting in municipal, congressional, and presidential elections held every four years in the Dominican Republic.

This initiative, introduced by Deputy Hamlet Melo, representing the province of La Altagracia for the Fuerza del Pueblo party, aims to address the high levels of electoral abstention and prevent the consolidation of authoritarianism in the country.

The proposed bill highlights the significant levels of abstention observed in recent electoral events and asserts that all legal-age citizens should be obligated to vote.

To enforce this legislation, the proposal suggests that the Central Electoral Board (JCE) establish necessary mechanisms for accessible voting centers, implement electoral registration systems, and provide continuous civic education to educate citizens about their voting duty.

If approved by both congressional chambers, the JCE would be tasked with creating a registration system containing the names, addresses, and identity numbers of citizens who voted and those who did not.

While the bill advocates for mandatory voting for all adults, it does not specify consequences for failing to vote. Instead, it delegates to the JCE the development of regulations outlining repercussions for those who abstain from voting at any level of election.

Arguments supporting the bill emphasize that increased electoral participation would lead to more equitable and diverse representation in legislative and executive bodies, accurately reflecting the popular will and promoting the inclusion of all voices in the political process.

Deputy Melo contends that mandatory voting would foster greater democratic participation, with all citizens actively contributing to the selection of their representatives, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of elected governments.

Furthermore, proponents argue that mandatory voting would combat political apathy and electoral abstention by establishing a legal mandate for participation in elections.

The bill also suggests that political consensus within the National Congress would be strengthened through mandatory voting, as all party groups and sectors would be incentivized to seek shared solutions for common issues.

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June 3, 2024 11:50 am

Maybe you could vote while paying your electric bill, if you dont vote they turn off you electricity and dont pick up the garbage.

Last edited 3 months ago by platanofrito
luis pena
June 3, 2024 12:29 pm

when there is nothing to propose, this kind of nonsence gets the light of the day.

Last edited 3 months ago by luis pena
June 3, 2024 12:43 pm

“It is assumed that the constitution of a country can be modified through a process that generally includes the consultation and approval of the people on important points. These mechanisms ensure that constitutional amendments reflect the will and needs of the people, thus respecting democratic principles.
It is important that these processes are inclusive, transparent, and allow broad participation so that the modifications have legitimacy and general acceptance.”

My Name Is Not Important
June 4, 2024 7:25 am

Forcing someone to vote isn’t democratic.

Paul Tierney
June 4, 2024 8:36 am

If people do not want to vote, that is their vote.