Local June 4, 2024 | 7:44 am

Robbery at Banco Popular branch on Luperón Avenue

Santo Domingo.- Yesterday afternoon, a robbery took place at the Banco Popular branch located on Luperón Avenue and Olof Palme Street in the capital. The bank has confirmed the incident, stating that no employees were harmed and the losses incurred were solely financial. The exact amount of money stolen is still being determined.

This is not the first time this branch has been targeted. In July 2015, a previous robberie resulted in the tragic death of a security guard, who was fatally shot in the head.

According to the bank, today’s robbery was carried out by several masked criminals who stormed the branch armed with weapons. “While two of the assailants subdued the branch guard, a third stole an undetermined sum of money. A fourth accomplice waited in a motor vehicle, facilitating the group’s escape after the robbery,” the bank’s statement detailed.

Official Statement from Banco Popular

Dominican Popular Bank Reports on Robbery at Luperón Office

Santo Domingo, DN – Banco Popular Dominicano, SA – Banco Múltiple confirms that a robbery took place at its branch on Gregorio Luperón Avenue and Olof Palme corner, located within a fuel station, shortly after 4:30 PM today, Monday, June 3. Fortunately, there were no injuries to clients or employees.

The incident involved several armed criminals with their faces covered. While two of the perpetrators overpowered the branch guard, a third stole an as-yet-undetermined amount of money. A fourth accomplice was waiting in a vehicle, and the group fled the scene after the robbery.

The National Police are currently investigating the robbery. In line with the financial organization’s Human Management protocol, the staff of this branch will receive psychological support from a team of professionals within the institution.

Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, Reputation, and Responsible Banking, Popular Group, SA

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luis pena
June 4, 2024 10:07 am

“Assault” is not the best english word to describe this type of action. Stop using google translate. Assaunt in englsh and asalto in spanish have different meanings.

Last edited 27 days ago by luis pena
Dominican Today
June 4, 2024 11:07 am
Reply to  luis pena

Thank you for your observation. You are right. The mistake has been corrected.