Local June 5, 2024 | 2:11 pm

Protecting Puerto Plata’s natural wonders

Puerto Plata.- The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) held a socialization meeting in Sosúa, Puerto Plata, to discuss the co-management council initiative for the Lagunas de Cabarete y Goleta Natural Monument. The event aimed to engage stakeholders in the conservation process and provide information on the project’s objectives and plans.

The meeting was attended by Puerto Plata’s governor, Claritza Rochtte Peralta, and representatives from various organizations, including the Puerto Plata Aqueduct and Sewer Corporation (Coraplata), the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indhri), the Puerto Plata Tourist Board, and Ecosostenible RD.

During the meeting, Vice Minister Federico Franco presented the infrastructure plan developed by the Ministry in collaboration with other NGOs. The plan aims to provide the protected area with necessary protection and surveillance infrastructure. Franco highlighted that the meeting was part of the Ministry’s initiative to integrate communities into conservation actions, providing them with environmental services and enabling their economic development through activities such as ecotourism.

The project includes the construction of a new surveillance center, repair of the current booth, and creation of two docks adjacent to the lagoon. These initiatives aim to reinforce the protected area’s potential and make the Cabarete channel navigable.

Carolina Alba, Director of Protected Areas, explained the concept of co-management and its legal requirements. She emphasized that the Ministry will provide technical assistance to parties interested in participating in the co-management agreement.

Representatives from participating organizations expressed their enthusiasm for the project and highlighted its importance for the community. Lía Hiraldo from Ecosostenible RD thanked MMARN for the opportunity to participate and expressed her institution’s interest in restoring the mangrove in the entire lagoon area. Luis Gómez from Coraplata emphasized the importance of community involvement in protecting the lagoons, which are vital for water reservoirs in Cabarete.

The socialization meeting marked an important step towards integrating stakeholders in the conservation process and ensuring the long-term protection of the Lagunas de Cabarete y Goleta Natural Monument.

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