Local June 6, 2024 | 3:36 pm

Proposal to reduce tourism card fee to $5

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican government’s tax reform project proposes a significant reduction in the tourism card fee, which would decrease from $10 to $5. This move aims to encourage non-residents to visit the country, making it more attractive for tourists.

The cost of the air ticket is expected to be more heavily impacted by this change, as the tourism card will no longer be included in the final ticket price. As a result, the Dominican diaspora will not have to purchase the card, and airlines will no longer apply it to them. The bill also specifies the establishments where tourists can obtain an entry permit.

According to the Tax Restructuring and Update Law Project, the tourism card can be purchased at a reduced price of $5 (or its equivalent in national currency) at various locations, including the Ministry of Tourism, tourist companies, Dominican consulates, shipping and airline agencies, and authorized travel agencies.

The income generated from the tourism card has been estimated to be around $100 million per year, or approximately 6,000 million pesos. With the proposed change, Article 6 of Law No. 199 of 1966, which governs tourism cards in air tickets, will be modified.

The current process has been criticized by Dominicans residing abroad, who are charged an air ticket and find it cumbersome to claim a refund for the $10 fee. The proposed change aims to address these concerns and make tourism more accessible and appealing to non-residents.

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Paul Tierney
June 6, 2024 5:16 pm

Better to reduce the fee to zero $.

June 7, 2024 2:07 pm
Reply to  Paul Tierney
