Local June 24, 2024 | 5:05 pm

Haitian immigrant returns kidnapped child

Illustrative image from Unsplash

Santo Domingo.- Haitian immigrant Agnerd Pierre, also known as Rojo, safely returned 7-year-old Luis Manuel Vizcaíno to his family on Monday following his kidnapping. The handover was conducted in collaboration with the Central Investigation Directorate (DICRIM), the Dominican Army, and other intelligence agencies, who accompanied the child’s relatives to the Bánica border.

Pierre had abducted Luis Manuel last Friday, along with his 14-year-old brother, whom he later released near the Elías Piña border. It was the teenager who informed his father, Juan Vizcaíno Encarnación, about the abduction.

Details of the kidnapping reveal that Pierre crossed the Guaroa municipality through mountainous terrain to avoid checkpoints. At the Elías Piña border, he returned the elder brother and continued on horseback until reaching the Thomassique community in Haiti.

Initially, Pierre demanded 150 thousand pesos from the family as ransom for Luis Manuel’s release.

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Alberto Gomez
June 24, 2024 6:31 pm

amazing neighbor Dominican Republic have . Good only for causing trouble.