Local June 25, 2024 | 9:14 am

President Abinader addresses regional security and education achievements

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader announced on Monday that the arrival of the first 400 Kenyan police officers, who will lead a mission to establish peace in Haiti, will be beneficial for the entire region. He noted that the long-standing appeals for aid from the Dominican Republic and Caricom countries are finally being realized.

“They have been involved and have monitored this program day by day,” President Abinader stated during his speech at La Semanal.

School Safety and Achievements in Student Transportation

Addressing concerns about security in public educational establishments, President Abinader mentioned that the recently concluded school year had the fewest incidents in recent years.

President Abinader also highlighted the achievements of the National Student Transportation System (TRAE) during the meeting. He stated that the program has allowed beneficiary families to save between 5,000 and 9,000 pesos per month. The future projection aims to extend the program to all 31 provinces by October 2024, for the next school year.

Additionally, the president announced plans to acquire 300 electric buses, which have daily operating costs five times lower than fossil fuel buses. Presenting TRAE’s progress at La Semanal, Abinader explained that 602 school routes covering 7,956 km are being planned, with 1,770 buses. Of these, 800 will be purchased through the Ministry of Education (MINERD), and 469 will be rented from private companies, at a cost of 7,961 million pesos.

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