Local June 26, 2024 | 8:10 am

Abinader issues regulations for implementing Public Administration Law 247-12

Santo Domingo.- Through Decree No. 353-24, President Luis Abinader established regulations for the application of Law No. 247-12 Organic of Public Administration, a task pending since the law’s promulgation in 2012.

The regulation aims to ensure the exercise of administrative functions in line with principles of legality, hierarchy, rationality, efficiency, effectiveness, objectivity, equality, transparency, economy, publicity, and coordination.

All entities and bodies under the Executive Branch are subject to its provisions, excluding those under the Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, and extra-power constitutional bodies. It successively regulates the functioning of the Presidency, Vice Presidency, Council of Ministers, ministries, autonomous and decentralized organizations, and public companies. The regulation also includes provisions on administrative coordination, advisory councils, and organizational policies of public administration.

An initial proposal for this regulation was presented during the Presidential Call for the Dialogue for Reforms for Institutional Strengthening and Efficient Management of the State. It was subsequently refined by a technical commission comprising representatives from the Ministry of Public Administration, the Legal Consultancy of the Executive Branch, and other public institutions.

With this issuance, the current administration reaffirms its commitment to strengthening and modernizing public administration.

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Paul Tierney
June 27, 2024 8:45 am

Does all of this word play mean government will continue its same behavior as always?