Local July 1, 2024 | 4:14 pm

Edesur Dominicana activates Hurricane contingency plan

Santo Domingo.- Edesur Dominicana has activated its Contingency Plan in response to Hurricane Beryl, impacting provinces under its care.

General Manager Milton Morrison led an Emergency Committee meeting to assess and implement measures from the Emergency Protocol. Edesur’s teams are prepared, with reinforced substations and emergency brigades on standby.

A preventive pruning campaign is underway to prevent tree branches from causing power outages or accidents. Morrison urged customers to report dangerous situations and avoid hazardous areas during the rainy weather.

The plan prioritizes circuits for national security centers, hospitals, aqueducts, shelters, and other essential institutions. The public is reminded to stay away from power lines and report emergencies to Edesur’s 24-hour hotline at 809-683-9393, while staying informed via official emergency agencies.

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randy cain
July 2, 2024 7:41 am

what a joke. they can never keep the lights on. everytime we get a little rain, every time, the lights go out., every time they talk it is bull.