Local July 27, 2024 | 9:52 am

The 2024-2028 challenge with an overgrown state bureaucracy

Santo Domingo – The gigantism of the state has gone to anthological categories, with 23 ministries and an Attorney General’s Office equivalent to one more. A bureaucratic apparatus of dimensions that only correspond to rich and developed countries, with double and even much more geography than that of this half island and also with more administrative rationality with the money of their treasuries destined to payroll.

A superstructure that defies the intentions of President Luis Abinader, who has expressed his willingness to unify ministries and admits that a fiscal reform, which would be one of the objectives of the second four-year term, cannot be only of the tax aspect but must have an impact on the criteria for public expenditures.

This is a way of admitting that recent governments have gone overboard in this area and sometimes went too far. “Remember that fiscal reform is not only tax reform; it is also the reform of public spending; it is also to make public spending more efficient; it is to make the Government more efficient. I think we have improved, but what we are looking for is to spend better and more efficiently,” he said.

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