Local August 23, 2024 | 2:14 pm

Electricity crisis threatens plantain production

Illustrative image: Pexels

Barahona.- Farmers in the Barahona region are facing a severe crisis in plantain production due to electricity supply issues. The low voltage levels have rendered 17 electric pumps inoperative, preventing the extraction of water from the Yaque del Sur River necessary for irrigating the crops.

The lack of irrigation has left banana fields in critical condition, with many fearing the damage is irreversible. Despite the electricity distribution company, EDESUR, being aware of the issue, no actions have been taken to resolve it.

Farmers, particularly in areas like Bombita Canoa, are urgently appealing to the President of the Republic for intervention. They warn that without immediate action, the local banana industry and the economic stability of families dependent on it are at serious risk.

Source: N Digital

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