Local September 1, 2024 | 12:00 pm

Electricity system supplies 3,729 megawatts, says Minister of Energy and Mines

Joel Santos, Minister of Energy and Mines.EXTERNAL

Santo DomingoThe Minister of Energy and Mines, Joel Santos Echavarría, explained this Thursday that, for the second time this August, the country registered another record in the maximum energy demand, reaching 3,729 megawatts. This figure exceeded by 8.9%, registered in the same period last year when it stood at 3,422.69 megawatts.

“As of Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the maximum demand of the National Interconnected Electric System reached 3,729 megawatts, this being the second peak recorded in the month; the first, was last week, when the maximum demand reached 3,690.65 megawatts,” he said.

The energy injected into the National Interconnected Electric System (SENI) was 80.86 GWh, accumulating 2,168 GWh for the month, registering a maximum demand of 3,729 megawatts.
Santos Echavarría reiterated that the Government is working on actions to diversify the generation matrix and increase available generation under competitive contracting schemes.

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randy cain
September 2, 2024 4:43 pm

are they ever going to get it right. i do not think so. the electricity today is worse off than it was 20 years ago even after all the money spent on improvements. all they do is talk and complain. the whole system needs from top down reworked and find people who know what they are doing. take if from me, an old retired electric company executive. power outage, never.