Local September 10, 2024 | 8:02 am

Abinader denies oil purchases from Venezuela

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader clarified that since he took office, the Dominican Republic has not purchased any oil from Venezuela, responding to claims made by Venezuelan Minister Diosdado Cabello. During a press conference, Abinader emphasized that not even “half a gallon” of oil has been imported from Venezuela under his administration, countering Cabello’s assertion that the Dominican Republic owes $350 million for oil.

Leonardo Aguilera, president of the Dominican Oil Refinery (Refidomsa), confirmed that the last oil import from Venezuela occurred in December 2015. Despite multiple meetings between Dominican and Venezuelan officials to resume oil imports, no agreements were reached. Aguilera added that two separate negotiations with Venezuela’s state oil company, PDVSA, also failed to produce results.

Cabello had previously criticized Abinader, suggesting that Venezuela’s oil resources gave it leverage over the Dominican Republic. In response, Abinader pointed out that while his country lacks oil, its economy is stronger than Venezuela’s and reaffirmed his commitment to defending democratic principles.

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Paul Tierney
September 10, 2024 10:25 am

Be mindful a third party from another country may purchase Venezuelan origin oil and then resell the oil to the RD. It provides the RD the deniability of buying/importing oil from Venezuela.

It is not uncommon for oil shipments in transit on the high seas to change owners, owners playing the oil spot market to make gains from the trading. It is a grey area, sometimes it is legal and other times not.

September 10, 2024 11:49 am
Reply to  Paul Tierney

Kind of what India does with Russian oil…and its making a killing selling millions of dollars worth to Europe…lol