North Coast September 5, 2023 | 12:41 pm

Environment and community protect turtle that nests successfully in Cabarete

Santo Domingo.- An exciting Saturday night witnessed an extraordinary event at Perla Marina beach in Cabarete, when a sea turtle came out to lay its eggs around 10:30 p.m.

Several lucky witnesses had the opportunity to witness this rare spectacle of nature.
“Quickly, the people present organized themselves and called us. The technical staff of the Ministry of the Environment went to the place and received instructions to delimit and protect the spawning area, ensuring that the eggs were safe from damage caused by the sun and natural predators,” explained Frank Calderón, Resources technician. Coastal and Marine Ministry of the Environment in Puerto Plata.

Calderón added that hours later, with the help of qualified personnel, a delicate nest change procedure was carried out. “The 136 eggs, which were originally on the beach, were moved to a higher and safer place, away from the coast and protected from high temperatures.”

Currently, the nest is in an inhabited area where some residents have agreed to take care and watch over its safety. The shared images captured both the original spawning site and the new nesting site.

Calderón concluded by explaining that “the future of these turtle eggs is in the hands of the community. The procedure indicates that the nest should continue to be protected and monitored until, approximately 45-60 days, the eggs hatch and the young emerge.”

The event generated a feeling of unity and conservation in the Cabarete community, which is committed to ensuring that these valuable baby turtles have the best chance to survive and contribute to the preservation of these animals.

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