Opinion October 17, 2018 | 11:16 am

Dominican Today reader’s take on Govt. corruption

Victor Diaz Rua, Marcelo Odebretcht, Leonel Fernandez, Marco Vasconcelos Cruz

Dear Mr. Pineda,

I am a reader/follower of the Dominican Today because I love the Dominican Republic and when I am not visiting your country I like to keep abreast with the news concerning your country.

One thing that bothers me though, is that your country is “full of corruption” and yet your newspaper runs no articles on this subject.

Although there is corruption in all areas of life it is very prevalent in the Police Force, the Justice system and possibly also the Government.

According to the Corruption Perception Index of 2017 of all the countries in the world, the Dominican Republic is number 135 out of 177 countries with a score of only 29/100. You will agree that this is a very bad record.

The middle class and the poor in your country are suffering under this evil as they are always targeted and it appears that your

Government and your President Mr. Danilo Medina are doing nothing to stop this corruption.

It is time for your reporters and reporters of other Dominican Newspapers to get out among the people, listen to their stories and anonymously start reporting cases of corruption, until the Government decides to address the problem.

I live in South Africa and through this kind of reporting by our free and independent Newspapers and other Civil Organizations; our Government was eventually forced to take action.

An Independent anonymous “Telephone Hotline for reporting incidents of corruption” was established and just recently a “Commission of Inquiry into State Capture and State Corruption” including the corruption in the Police Force was created.

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