People April 17, 2015 | 10:12 am

Dominican Tourism Press Association taps new board

Santo Domingo.- With massive participation of its members, the Dominican Tourism Press Association (Adompretur) held national elections Wednesday in which journalists José Luis Chavez, Karina Lopez and Millizen Uribe were elected president, vice president and general secretary, respectively .

The National Board of Directors also includes Patricia Reinoso, Tony Arias Gil, Yamirys Liriano, José Ramón Torres, José María Reyes and Yenny Polanco Lovera.

The National Ethics Committee will be chaired by Osvaldo Soriano, with Manuel Quiroz, Elsa Peña, Grisbel Medina and Raysa Feliz, members.

The new officers won 223 votes, or 55.47% of Adompretur’s 407 members.

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