AES Dominican operation helps town deal with water crunch

Boca Chica, DominicanRepublic.- AES power company Dominican operationAES Andres is helping the resort town Boca Chica deal with the water shortage parchingthe entire country, distributed through the utility COORABO.
The power company maintainsits operation throughout the area to provide water to the most affected communitiesincluding La Bobina, Ubieral, Los Cocos, Torre 39, El Brisal, Barrio Azul,Brisas de Caucedo, Monte Adentro, Santa Lucía and Los Unidos.
AES Dominican hasdonated 50,000 gallons in the last two days but could rise to meet the communities’needs.
In a statement, the country´sbiggest power company said CORAABO CEO Fermin Brito, who has personallycoordinated the distribution with tanker trucks, thanked AES Andres´ executivesfor alleviating the urgency.
“AES Andres is one ofthe companies within the energy group AES Dominicana, located in themunicipality of Boca Chica, and maintains a comprehensive Social Responsibilityprogram in neighboring communities.