People August 19, 2015 | 9:26 am

Witnesses’ “Imitate Jesus!” Convention series will feature resources designed to assist families

Villa González,Santiago.- Jehovah’s Witnesses will discuss the keys to family happiness duringtheir 2015 “Imitate Jesus!” Convention to be held at the Salón de Asambleas delos Testigos de Jehová in Villa González, Santiago.

The Witnesses’ three-day convention serieswill demonstrate how Jesus’ example can give parents and children the tools tobuild stronger and more united families. The program will also include astimulating examination of Jesus’ famed Sermon on the Mount.

Carlos NicolasRodríguez Angeles, a spokesman for the convention program, explains: “Jesus’Sermon on the Mount offers timeless advice that can help parents to better usetheir time and resources to build a more secure and loving family environment.”

Jehovah’s Witnessesinvite people of all ages to attend. The first day of the convention will bethis coming Friday. Sessions begin at 9:30am on all three days of theconvention. Admission is free.

Conventions ofJehovah’s Witnesses are supported entirely by voluntary donations.

Regional Media Contact: Carlos Nicolás Rodríguez Ángeles,telephone: (849) 241-1348.

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