People October 2, 2015 | 9:37 am

Dominicans in Queens prep a raucous annual parade

New York (Z@D).- Withflags in hand, parades, floats, diablo cojuelos, piglets and other typical charactersof the Dominican Carnaval, the Dominicans of Queens and the tri state area aregetting ready to celebrate their 8th annual parade in style.

This grand paradestarts 12 noon next Sunday at 69th St. with 37th Av. and endsat 86th St. and 37th Av. in Jackson Heights, Queens.

The organizers of thetraditional parade invite the entire community to participate in the traditionalcultural activity.

The street hawkerwith her color-splashed attire, compai and other personages which portray Dominicanpeasant life will be represented in the grand event for Dominican, Latinos and allinhabitants of Queens county to enjoy.

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