People November 9, 2015 | 7:00 am

Dominican Republic boy meets Pope Francis

Vatican City.- A boy from the Dominican Republic, Rafael de Jesús Minaya, has metPope Francis for a second time, at an audience held in the Vatican dedicated toLibyan refugees. Rafael de Jesús, from Gurabo in Santiago, who underwent a hearttransplant in Barcelona with the support of vice president Margarita Cedeño, presenteda gift to the pontiff.

The event was organized by the Children’sRights Commission and the Peace Factory Foundation, and is part of "Peace Hour" where both organizations present projects which include adopting refugeefamilies and raising awareness about the realities of war and the problems theyexperience.

Vice president Cedeño tweeted that theclock that Rafael de Jesús presented to thePope “symbolizes that life that flows is not causal, and that faith and lovebreak all barriers”.

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