Love and enthusiasm reign at Down syndrome fundraiser
Santo Domingo.- Greatenthusiasm reigned at Quiéreme Como Soy Foundation´s sixth season 2015 love andsolidarity show on Sunday, featuring several Dominican musical performers, sportsstars, communicators and the support of friends in the cause to benefit childrenunder special conditions.
The Quiereme Como Soy(love me as I am) activity replaced the traditional softball game with artistswho performed a version of the War of the Sexes, hosted by Daniel Sarcos,Viviana Gibelli, Tania Baez and Irving Alberti.
Foundation president OscarVillanueva thanked the and from themedia, journalists and businesses for supporting the fundraiser for kids with SownSyndrome. "You´ve always helped us spread our message as the mosttranscendental work of Quiéreme Como Soy with the cultural change on how peopleperceive those with special needs. Communication therefore is our key tosuccess."