People February 12, 2016 | 4:23 pm

Dominican Studies Institute, National Supermarket Association announce fellowships

New York.- The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute (CUNY DSI)is pleased to announce the 2016 National Supermarket Association (NSA)Dominican Studies Fellowship for doctoral students and faculty. Applicationsare due on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 by 5pm.

The NSA Dominican Studies Fellowship seeks to encouragedoctoral students and faculty researchers from colleges and universities tomake innovative strides in Dominican Studies and to take advantage of theunique resources of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Archives and Librarycollections by conducting research at CUNY DSI’s premises. The CUNY DSI willaward two fellowships of $5,000 each to two applicants.

Applicants must be doctoral students enrolled at anaccredited graduate institution, OR faculty members in an accreditedpostsecondary institution. Applicants must be interested in expanding researchin the field of Dominican Studies. Doctoral students should submit proposalsaround a research topic they are considering for their dissertation. Facultyshould submit a research project proposing themes for which they intend toprepare a monograph for publication. Besides the research work itself, selectedfellows must commit to organize an activity in their home institutionhighlighting their research project. Winners are welcome to apply foradditional funding for up to $1,500 that will serve as matching funds to covercosts associated with the organization of the activity in their homeinstitution.

The NSA Dominican Studies Fellowship is interdisciplinaryand applicants from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Internationalapplicants are also eligible, provided they are authorized to travel to theU.S. Applications will be selected on the basis of the research’s originalityand scholarly justification. Applicants should include a timetable with thefollowing:

Approximate length of stay and dates;

Approximate date for organizing event at homeinstitution;

Expected date of completion of dissertation ormonograph ready for publication.

All NSA Dominican Studies Fellows are required to stay aminimum of eight weeks at the CUNY DSI Archives and Library anytime betweenJune 1, 2016 and May 30, 2017. Fellows will work closely with Dr. RamonaHernández, Director; Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, Assistant Director; Sarah Aponte,Chief Librarian; and Idilio Gracia Peña, Chief Archivist. Fellows will alsoattend regular meetings with one or more of the staff members to discuss ideasand progress. Following their stay, all fellows are required to submit a briefreport (2-3pp) within the subsequent sixty (60) days after their research stayon how their work at CUNY DSI Archives and Library enriched their researchproject and offer suggestions for improvements on the Archives’ and Library’scollections. Fellows are expected to explicitly acknowledge their reception ofthis fellowship in all resulting publications related to this grant.

Examples of possible topics are:

Business areas, size, employment generation and economic impact of Dominican businesses in the U.S; Philanthropy amongst Dominicans in the U.S. and in the Dominican Republic; Economic and social implications of the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) on Dominican businesses in the Dominican Republic or the U.S.; Race effects on Dominican participation and performance in the U.S. labor market; History of Dominican entrepreneurship, any historical period including colonial times; Marginal return to educational investment for Dominicans as compared to other groups; Camila Henríquez Ureña’s contributions to feminist thought and writing; Career/life trajectory of musicians or fine-artists whose papers are in the Dominican Archives; Dominican LGBTIQ communities in the U.S.; History of activism among Dominicans in the U.S.; Impact of Dominican voters on U.S. campaigns and elections; The experience of the Dominican elderly in the U.S. concerning mobility, economic status, livelihood, etc.; Intermarriage profiles for Dominicans in the U.S.; Ethnic dynamics among Dominicans in the U.S. and/or interethnic relations; Dominican women and men in U.S. politics.Some of the topics included above are current projectsundertaken by CUNY DSI. We are also looking for applicants who may become partof the ongoing research at CUNY DSI.

Application Deadline

We will be accepting applications for the NSA Dominican Studies Fellowshipuntil March 1, 2016, by 5pm.Applicants will be notified of thedecision by email by May 1, 2016.

How to Apply

All applications must be submitted electronically. All documents must be in pdfformat.

To apply, please send a letter ofintent, a brief research proposal of no more than 2,000 words, a budget, and aCV to:

Prof. Sarah Aponte, Chief Librarian,

The subject of the email must read “NSA Dominican Studies FellowshipApplication”.

You may also email us with questions regarding the application.

Fellowships are made available through funds received from the NationalSupermarket Association (NSA).

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