Four year-old needs our help to live a normal life

Santo Domingo.- Four year-old Linely Ramirez is waging abattle to live a life which any girl dreams of; play, go to school and bask inthe love of her parents.
The daughter of Nelly Ramirez, Linely was born with motor deficiencyas the result of a damaged spinal cord, complicated with low muscular tone.
“I have to seat her straight,” her mother said by phone.
Her parents are seeking donations to pay for a diagnosis onLinely at Miami Children’s Hospital, in Florida, where among other ailments, specialistswill examine her pelvis and deficient immune system, and determine if her columncan be treated, and whether she can withstand surgery.
Among the possible options, Nelly said the specialistsmight install a pin and resort to a brace or corset to correct her posture, andevaluate ways to improve her breathing.
“The baby shows a strong will to live and expresses herselffluently and is mature for her age. She’s capable of dealing with the world despiteher ailment. She seems happy, but I can tell that she’s under much pain,” Nellysaid of her only offspring.