British Ambassador hosts reception for 2016-2017 Chevening Scholars

Santo Domingo.-Ambassador Chris Campbell and his wife Sharon Campbell hosted a cocktailreception at their residence on Thursday evening in honor of the eightDominican students who are about to depart for the United Kingdom to do master’s degreecourses this academic year, 2016-2017.
Following anintensive selection process in coordination with the Ministry of HigherEducation, Science and Technology, eight students were selected to continuetheir studies in the UK:
Raquel Eunice Chalas Estévez, Universityof Birmingham, MA In the Management of Special Education in DevelopingCountries.
Micely Diaz Espaillat, University ofBath, MSC International Development
Jennifer Villa Villar, University ofWarwick, MSc in Economics
Jean Carlos Suárez Marranzini, Universityof Birmingham, MSc in Cyber Security
Gabriel Andrés Podestá Ornes, Universityof Oxford, MPP in Public Policy
Elina Margarita Castillo Jiménez, Universityof Nottingham, LLM in Public International Law
Caryn Aybar Céspedes, London Schoolof Economics, MSc in Development Management
Luis Arias García, King’s CollegeLondon, MA in Public Policy
It is worthpointing out that over the past few years, thanks to a strategic alliance withthe Dominican state through the Ministry of Higher Education, Science andTechnology, the number of young professionals who receive the CheveningScholarships has increased. With a view to offering an inclusive programme thatgenuinely contributes to the country’s development, an emphasis has been placedon fields of study that have been identified as priorities for the country’sdevelopment.
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