Chamber honors women of merit

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Santo Domingo.- The Chamber of Deputies honored 32 “2018 Women of Merit” from across the country, in recognition of their contributions in the fields of education, the law, politics, business, community work and sports, and whom the lawmakers consider distinguished citizens.
The event, part of a series of celebrations commemorating International Women’s Day during the month of March, was headed by Chamber president Rubén Maldonado and organized by the Permanent Commission on Gender Equality chaired by Magda Alicia Rodríguez Azcona.
The awards were presented to Santo Domingo district prosecutor, Olga Dina; teachers Ana Marchena Segura, Luz Rodríguez Tejada, Luz Benita Sosa, Isabel Ortiz Vidal, Gloria Sánchez Rodríguez, Carmen Luisa Acosta, Emma Polanco Melo, Vitalina Carrasco Félix, Altagracia Herrera de Brito, Melba Acosta Alonzo and Emilia Ramírez González. Also to former judge Mercedes Cosme de Gonell, doctors Delba Suero de Peña, and Teresa del Carmen Peralta; as well as community workers Maritza Soto and Milagros Levy Garrido and sportswoman Silvia Espinal González.