More Haitians look to legalize their status

Santo Domingo.- The lines have resumed this week at the Juan Pablo Duarte government office building, to apply for the National Plan to Regularize Foreigners, which expires in June.
While awaiting their turn, people complained of a slow process.
After a low turnout toward the end of December and early January, as of Monday more people arrive to legalize their immigration status.
Although several lines have been established and a larger service staff has been assigned, dozens of foreigners, mostly of Haitian origin, had to wait some time on a long line, where many seem disoriented.
Asked by, many say they like Dominican Republic and want to get their papers in order. Many of them went for the first time yesterday, such as Jean Baptiste, who claims having lived in the country for 13 years and works as a watchman.
He arrived 8am yesterday and was still on the line after 11am. In search of an answer he approached one of the representatives of the Plan, who heard him and asked him to sit down, to be served, but to expect.
Baptiste, with just a copy of his passport in hand, thanked president Danilo Medina for having launched the Plan.