App lets Dominicans tip off Antinarcotics anonymously

Santo Domingo.- Antinarcotics (DNCD) president, Edmundo Felix, on Tues. announced the mobile app Sociedad Empoderada Reporta (SER) (empowered society reports), to anonymously tip off authorities.
The app for smartphones features reporting, through images, videos, audio or text, the location of points where drugs are sold, or activities linked to prohibited substances, complaints which the DNCD will then validate and investigate.
He said the whistleblower’s identity will be completely anonymous, so much so that the device or their ID is untraceable even by the DNCD.
Interviewed on El Dia, Telesistema channel 11, Felix said the app form part of the Digital Republic program, which can be downloaded from Play Store for Android systems, and in APP Store for iOS devices, searched with the tag DNCD.