Nearly 700 charter flights herald Puerto Plata´s tourism revival
Puerto Plata.- Thefirst 71 of a total 698 charter flights that will soon be landing full of touristsfrom Canada, the US and Europe started arriving via Puerto Plata´s LuperonInternational Airport on Monday, and will contribute to further boost the province´stourism revival.
Tourism deputy ministerJulio Almonte said many of the flights which began to arrive are from Canada (33),followed by the US, 23 and 15 from Germany, Poland and Italy, Moscow.
The official said some ofthe new flights result from the high season while the regular ones stemmed fromagreements with the tourism destination, which will continue to receive new charterflights by Finland carrier, FINANAIR.
Almonte said directflights began arriving at Luperon Airport on December 31 from Sweden, Poland,England and Holland t under agreements with the Civil Aviation Board, addingthat nearly 700 charter flights are expected to arrive in the coming months.