Public Works to build piers for ferry in Samana
Santo Domingo.- PublicWorks minister Gonzalo Castillo on Wednesday said two piers will be built inSabana de la Mar and Samaná, to link the North Coast and the East region with boatsto ferry passengers and vehicles, operated by the trust RDVial, under theDominican Navy´s supervision.
"With that wewould be completing all grids around the island, because if you get to Samana,then Nagua, with Cabrera, Rio San Juan, Cabarete, past Gaspar Hernandez to Sosua,to Puerto Plata," the official said.
Castillo also announceda revamp of the 6 de Noviembre highway from the capital to the southern city ofBani, with returns and the elimination of makeshift accesses, aimed at reducingthe number of accidents.
"What we are doingis reducing distances and bringing higher safety on the roads, and when we dothis we are saying that the south region´s products will become morecompetitive, because their freight will be less, because the cost will be lowerand the time shorter."