Santo Domingo hoteliers want a powwow with the capital’s new officials

Santo Domingo.- Santo Domingo Hotel Association president RobertoHenriquez on Monday said there’s a need to join forces with the city’s new authoritiesstarting August, to deal with the National District’s problems and promote itstourism development.
He said they’ve informed mayor-elect David Collado of the concernsand issues of the city via meetings and documents and have had receptivity, contraryto the current officials who despite having sent numerous letters, which he affirmswent unanswered.
Quoted by, the hotelier said the mayor-elect pledged to resolve some of theissues noted by the Association.
The Capital’s hoteliers want to recover Santo Domingo’sfamous Malecon and its iconic palm trees, improve public safety and street lighting,??ban truck traffic, prostitution and drug pushers, among other shortcomings.
"With the investment that has been made downtown, theMalecón is a continuation of the city, therefore is has to be a project thatshould be taken into consideration."