Tourism June 24, 2016 | 10:26 am

Airline, medical center agree to boost health tourism

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic’s biggest medicalcomplex (Cedimat) and Pawa Dominicana airline will promote health tourism in thecountry jointly, to meet the high demand for health services in the WestIndies.

The agreement, backed by the Marriott hotel chain and the DominicanTourism Ministry, was signed at Cedimat by tourism health area representatives fromAruba, Curacao, St. Maarten and Anguilla, and by local and international media aswell.

The agreement aims to offer a new alternative for patientsthroughout the Caribbean who fly Pawa, who require health services outsidetheir countries, including tests, surgeries and checkups, while opening thedoors of Republic Dominican to a potential of more than 20 million touristsmarket.

“The residents of those islands can now treat their healthissues in a center of high standards such as Cedimat, thanks to direct flightsand connectivity offered by Pawa Dominicana,” said airline CEO Luis Ramirez.

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