Tourism March 30, 2017 | 12:39 pm

Valle Nuevo National Park turning green again

Lush green..La Nevera, Valle Nuevo. File

Constanza, Dominican Republic.- After the eviction of dozens of squatters and the ban on farming, the greenery is returning to Valle Nuevo National Park especially to areas severely cleared for disorganized agriculture .

In January, Environment Minister Francisco Domínguez said the recovery of those lands “didn’t resist more delays,” as the people began to show more interest in knowing what was really taking place in the protected area.

He said the area was to be protected without further delay, because “there’s irreparable damage where even nature cannot correct in 10 or 20 years, where it cannot even be reforested given the low temperatures in the area.”

“After more than two-and-a-half months, substantial progress is being made in the recovery of the devastated areas, “affirmed Valle Nuevo administrator Julio Cesar de los Santos, quoted by

One of the areas showing recovery is right in front of the ranger station, where previously there were crops, cattle and irrigation systems and today small plants have begun to sprout.

De los Santos aid he park area of ​​910 square kilometers has numerous sources of water and several rivers. “The preservation is of strategic importance it has been possible to remove more than 40 kilometers of pipes to date.”

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