Malecon’s seaside walk features 3.5 km+ of recreation
David Collado cuts the ribon.
Santo Domingo.- Mayor David Collado on Mon. cut the ribbon for the Malecon’s “Paseo Marítimo” (seaside walk) of more than 3.5 kilometers.
He said the private sector financed the work with around US$2.8 million, including design and architects.
He said a next stage includes 11 pedestrian crossings will be built, and speed reducers will be installed.
The official said on weekends the Malecon will be reserved for family activities, children’s events and live music.
“We promised that the capital must look to the sea and today we are fulfilling it. A work that rescues one of the most important public spaces in the country, and we hope that citizens will make it theirs; and that public and private sector can continue working together for its use and revaluation,” Collado said in his keynote speech.