Tourism March 29, 2019 | 9:16 am

Tourism corridor of the South: more than a vision

Los Patos

Barahona, Dominican Republic.- Let no one say that everything needs to be done. In Barahona they began a few years ago to prepare for a future of tourism and production that is close at hand.

Barahona’s Production and Tourism Cluster on April 5 will host its third Annual Fair that has nearly doubled the number of exhibits and the number visitors by four-fold in that short time.

The intent, say its president Virgilio Perez Bernal, and executive director Elena Nunziatini, is to show that Barahona can spur business and gather the small and large entrepreneurs who already work in the area in a common vision of development.

A development, Nunziatini tells Diario Libre, that more than a regional-provincial effort: “Our vision is that of a tourism corridor of the South, which incorporates in a same tourism vision to the provinces from Santo Domingo to the border.”

Already established, the Baní, San José de Ocoa and other municipal clusters are already working on joint projects with Barahona.

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