Civil Aviation wants to attract lucrative fliers’ market

APPLETON, Wisconsin .- For more than ten years the Dominican Republic has been attracting owners of private planes traveling through the Caribbean, where the Bahamas is the most important attraction for the facilities it offers to reap the benefits for the economy and tourism.
With that in mind, actions are being taken to attract the largest number of pilots from the United States who are interested each year in knowing the Caribbean islands, with more than 60,000 flights.
The fairs held in the US represent one of the most ideal scenarios for the country to offer attractions in tourism and the growth achieved in the economic and social plane,” the Civil aviation Institute (IDAC) said in a statement.
During the past week, the facilities offered to stimulate private aviation, a market that has been captured in recent years by the Bahamas, were presented in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, in the framework of the EAA AirVenture aviation fair, with more of 40,000 flights every year.