CEO of Apple Leisure Group’s recommendation to whoever assumes the presidency of the DR

Alex Zozaya, CEO of Apple Leisure Group (ALG)
“There has been consistency in tourism, which has generated social and economic stability”
Apple CEO recalled that DR tourism is “strong and firm”
The Dominican Republic is counting down for the presidential elections and with it a change of head of states, who must continue to ensure the economic stability of the country based on good public policies in favor of the productive sectors, including tourism, fundamental for the economic sustainability of the DR, and that it must continue its course of growth and recovery after the severe blows caused by the pandemic.
In this sense, one of the most experienced hoteliers and the main Latin American personality in the industry, Alex Zozaya, CEO of Apple Leisure Group (ALG), told that the part of the government and private investment is linked to the political issue, so he recommends that the first thing is to raise awareness and remember how well things have been done in recent years in terms of tourism.
He recalled that Dominican tourism is “firm, strong, growing and evolving”, therefore the confidence of investors who choose the destination to establish their brands and subsequently continue expanding the offer.
“There has been consistency and growth in the sector, which has generated social and economic stability, which is a very important issue because in our countries, in Latin America there have been many changes, many fluctuations and loss of confidence,” he said.
Zozaya emphasized that confidence is not lost and that the continuity of the improvement of the tourism sector is sought, regardless of the winning political party.
“People should vote thinking that there should be an evolution, but not a radical change because what we do not want is for there to be a loss of confidence in the DR as there is already in many places in Latin America,” he explained.
It is recalled that the most recent bet of AMResorts, a subsidiary of ALG, was the start of construction work, in February 2020 in Miches, of the Secrets Playa Esmeralda and Dreams Playa Esmeralda hotels, with an investment of 400 million dollars.
The electoral contest is scheduled for next Sunday, July 5, since the Central Electoral Board ( JCE ) postponed the electoral calendar for two months, creating the new date as a measure to safeguard the health of Dominicans due to the Covid-19 pandemic.