Tourism October 5, 2020 | 4:33 pm

Infectologist calls to “not lower your guard” after opening of tourism

The infectologist Jesús Feris Iglesias alerted the health authorities to redouble their epidemiological surveillance to prevent the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic after the opening of tourist activity.

The specialist points out that the coronavirus will not disappear overnight, so the government should not lower its guard in applying preventive measures, such as social distancing, hand washing, and the mandatory use of a mask in public places. And private.

He indicated that many tourists will not stay in hotel rooms, but will want to visit some places, such as Ciudad Colonial, the Malecón de Santo Domingo, and others. The authorities must have special epidemiological surveillance to prevent infections and new outbreaks.

“It is important that the current authorities know it, I think they know it; therefore, they must take the corresponding measures,” said Feris Iglesias, according to the local press.

He explained that with the appearance of Covid-19, there had been a change in the Dominican culture of greeting with hugs and kisses, which must remain until the pandemic ceases to exist or a vaccine is applied as prevention.

The specialist estimates that although the opening of tourism is essential because it is the country’s main economic activity, it is also necessary to avoid a re-outbreak of the coronavirus since it can jeopardize the most considerable foreign exchange-generating activity in the country.

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