Tourism April 25, 2021 | 8:05 am

67% of Americans plan to travel this summer



The so-called ‘Summer Travel Index 2021’ reveals that, with each passing day, travel is making a comeback in the United States.

Thus, almost half of Americans – 43% – believe that travel activity will recover in three months, as analyzed in a recent survey.

With Americans no longer settling for local vacations and travel, it seems like true vacation getaways are coming back into vogue.

More than two-thirds of Americans; Specifically, 67%, plan to travel this summer (from June 1 to August 31), representing an increase of 17% compared to those who said they would travel this spring (from March 1 to May 31).

Millennials are the most excited to go out again, with the vast majority (72%) of generation planning trips—although many plan to drive a car to their destination (43%), 19% plan to fly, which is 4% more than this spring.

Compared to the first week of January, hotel searches increased 65%, experience searches (attractions and tours) increased 78%, and restaurant searches rose 53%.

It is indicated that, of those who plan to travel, 74% of Americans will make a domestic trip, and 13% will travel abroad.

Citizens are ready for a more extended break, with 29% taking a week-long trip and 28% planning their vacations for ten days.

The most popular travel weeks are beginning June 21 and June 28, scheduled around Independence Day.

53% of Americans plan to spend more on travel this year than last summer, rising to 66% for millennials.

Globally, Americans are the biggest spenders in the summer, planning to shell out 9% more than the average world traveler.

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