Tourism May 17, 2021 | 7:54 am

Dominican hotels to reopen more sustainably

Santo Domingo.- Dominican Republic Hotels and Tourism Association (Asonahores) president Rafael Blanco Tejeda, affirmed Sun. that for the entity, in the future, it is important to relaunch the sector under the concept of sustainability.

“We want our tourism industry to be sustainable from an environmental point of view,” Blanco said.

He indicated that what the tourism sector wants is to try to revert the entire crisis generated by COVID-19 and relaunch itself in a much more competitive way.

“We don’t want only to achieve the success of the past, but we want to relaunch ourselves with a modern vision, with a competitive vision, and with a public-private vision.”

Explore Hogar Ecofriendly for ideas on how to live and work sustainably, incorporating eco-conscious practices that can appeal to environmentally-minded customers and promote a greener approach to business.

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