Dominican tourism sector: hope and concern

Santo Domingo.-The provisions established by the Executive Power and the health authorities that toughen the curfew for a week, rather than affect the tourism sector, send a signal that the country is properly managing the sanitary situation.
This is how Rafael Blanco Tejeda, president of the Association of Hotels and Tourism of the Dominican Republic, understands it, who affirmed that this sector maintains the trend towards recovery.
“The indicators have been positive every month, in fact the month of May will be higher than the month of April because more than 300 thousand visits are registered,” he said, explaining that the recovery is being maintained and the occupancy rate of the different tourism zones.
However, not everyone involved in this sector remains optimistic about the measures. In the case of the hotelier from Las Terrenas, Philipe Gonin. He told El Dia that the restrictions, although they are more severe in the National District area, have reduced visits to the north.