Tourism July 3, 2021 | 10:51 am

Tourism is becoming increasingly more secure

In the sector there is a low number of infections. External source

According to Rafael Blanco, there is a guarantee of safety and compliance with health protocols in the sector.

The contagion rate in the country’s tourism industry is minimal due to the security guarantee offered by the sector’s authorities to tourists, collaborators, and tourist communities in the country.

The statement was made by the president of the Association of Hotels and Tourism of the Dominican Republic ( Asonahores ), Rafael Blanco Tejera, at the “Asonahores Meeting,” where he touched on the topic “Application of the Biosafety Protocols one year after the Pandemic.”

He affirmed that tourism in the Dominican Republic is safe and healthy, as demonstrated by the recognition, the low contagion figures, and the high occupancy rates in the sector.

“We have been recognized by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as a global example of how tourism can be managed in times of pandemic,” he stressed.

He added an increase in tourist arrivals each month, with more than 400 thousand visits in June 2021, which represents a recovery of 75 percent of arrivals in June 2019, and an occupancy rate of approximately 57 percent nationwide.

Recovery. On her side, the Santo Domingo Tourism Cluster president, Mónika Infante, pointed out that the Colonial City is recovering little by little because tourist arrivals are already reported, so once the pandemic situation arises improves, the recovery will be more palpable in the area.

“We are seeing the recovery in the rental of formal hotels, such as those that rent spaces in the Colonial City to families who come to spend the weekend here,” he said when presenting the new board of directors of the cluster.

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