Tourism February 28, 2022 | 5:04 pm

Two European airlines plan to link Costa Rica with stopover in Santo Domingo

The Dominican Republic and Costa Rica signed an Air Services agreement to promote tourism and two joint declarations to establish a Strategic Alliance for Comprehensive Cooperation and the Preservation of the Oceans and Seas.

Concerning the Air Services agreement, it was explained that there are two European airlines interested in operating routes to San José, with a stopover in Santo Domingo.

The agreements were signed within the framework of a meeting to strengthen bilateral relations between Roberto Álvarez, Foreign Minister of the DR, and his counterpart, Rodolfo Solano Quirós, of the Republic of Costa Rica.

Both ministers expressed their commitment to strengthening political dialogue, defending democratic values ​​and principles, human rights, freedom, mutual collaboration in multilateral organizations, and the importance of maintaining international peace and security.

In this sense, according to Diario Digital RD, the foreign ministers condemned the use of force and the violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Foreign Minister Álvarez was accompanied by Ambassador José Julio Gómez, Vice Minister of Bilateral Foreign Policy; Ambassador Rubén Silié, Vice Minister of Multilateral Foreign Policy; Hugo Rivera, Vice Minister of Economic Affairs and International Cooperation; Miguel Núñez Herrera, director of the Cabinet; and   Anselmo Muñiz, director of Strategic Studies and Analysis.

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