Dominican megaproject’s water is ‘secure’

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Government assured that the massive availability of water, the main challenge for the Cabo Rojo tourism project, has been solved in the short term, through the identification of various combined sources that would have the capacity to provide it in its beginnings. to the megaproject’s tourism operations that will be built in that beach area of Pedernales.
The director of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), Olmedo Caba, guaranteed the availability of water for the project, based on studies carried out with entities linked to the water sector in Pedernales in the short, medium and long term, within the framework of projections for the development of the province.
“The water for the development of Pedernales is guaranteed. We have the studies that we have enough water. We have medium-term projects. We are even going to develop (initiatives) this year and longer-term projects,” the official said.
Among the long-term studies cited by Caba, is the Nizaíto dam, in the municipality of Paraíso, “which we all know will benefit this province, starting with the municipality of Oviedo.”
It would be nice if the government is as aggressive in providing services to the Dominican people as it does for tourists.
There is a shortage of uncontaminated potable water across the country (and the island). In an island, land and bodies of portable water are the two more important elements (a lot more than democracy, liberty, and greed). Your wimpy democracy continues to distract society with issues not related to what is important to the country.
You are sharing an island with an irresponsible and hostile neighboring country, so it is your responsibility is to secure both LAND and BODIES OF PORTABLE WATER regardless of capitalism or democracy!
Will the government be footing the bill to bring water from Paraiso-Oviedo-Pedernales, a distance of about 90 km? It will be very costly. More than likely it will include construction of pump plants and reservoirs. Do not be surprised there will be a suggestion to put some part of national forest to some use to support this project.