Tourism June 7, 2022 | 9:39 am

Dominican 1.2K coastline beckons boating tourism

Santo Domingo.- Over the years, more people are inclined to do tourism aboard boats to enjoy the adventure of traveling in the waters of the Caribbean Sea.

The Dominican Republic, with some 1,288 kilometers of coastline, and its adjacent islands, rivers and reservoirs, is a recreational paradise for nautical tourism, but it requires investment and promotion to exploit this tourism branch.

The country does not have a tourist history of nautical life, however, its coasts occupy a “privileged” place within the Caribbean archipelago and, being part of the Greater Antilles, it enjoys an extensive geography endowed with beautiful landscapes that favor it to position itself as country brand in that tourist region.

For the Dominican-Italian Chamber of Commerce (CCDI), which has a delegation of experts in nautical matters, the country has made significant contributions to the Dominican economy with the creation of quality jobs and the traffic of tourists who make Stop at Dominican hotels to get to know the country

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